准教授 (Associate Professor)
PhD (Education), Charles Sturt University, Australia
Master (TESOL), Charles Sturt University, Australia
Graduate Diploma (TESOL), Charles Sturt University, Australia
Bachelor of Arts, Melbourne University, Australia
Formerly a Professor at Meiji University
Formerly an Associate Professor at Tokyo Women’s Christian University
[専門分野] (Specialisation)
応用言語学 (Applied Linguistics)
[研究テーマ](Research Areas)
Applied Linguistics, particularly second language acquisition, learner autonomy, learner motivation, and the use of digital technologies for language teaching and learning.
[近年の論文](Recent Articles)
(2023). Language learning with digital games: Worth a closer look. MindBrainEd Think Tank, 9(4), 39-46.
(2023). Rethinking Education in the Age of AI. MindBrainEd Think Tank, 9(3), 9-14.
(2022). The use of machine translation in L2 education: Japanese university teachers’ views and practices. In B. Arnbjörnsdóttir, B. Bédi, L. Bradley, K. Friðriksdóttir, H. Garðarsdóttir, S. Thouësny, & M. J. Whelpton (Eds), Intelligent CALL, granular systems, and learner data: short papers from EUROCALL 2022 (pp. 308-314). Research- publishing.net.
(2021) Teachers as self-directed learning guides. In Communities of Teachers & Learners, JALT. Co-authors: Delgrego, N., Underwood, J., and Abe, M.
(2020) From self-study to studying the self: A collaborative autoethnography of language educators as informal learners.In CALL for Widening Participation: Short Papers from EUROCALL 2020, Research-publishiing.net
Co-author: Alm, A.
(2020). Understanding learner autonomy through research: A summary of a forum at JALT 2019. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 11(1), 53-65.
Co-authors: Jo Mynard, J., Peeters, W., Shelton-Strong, S., Watkins, S., Tweed, A. and Wongsarnpigoon, I.
[所属学会](Academic Affiliations)
Current member: EUROCALL, EUROCALL AI SIG, JALT (全国語学教育学会),
JALTCALL SIG, JALT Bilingualism SIG, and the Japan Association for Self-Access Learning (JASAL).
Current Position: EUROCALL Artificial Intelligence SIG: Co-ordinator since August 2022
Past Positions: JALT Board of Directors, Director of Program, Chair of the Conference Planning Committee, Member of the Business Committee and Financial Steering Committee, Reading Committee; JALTCALL (Publicity Officer, Program Chair, Conference Committee, Reading Committee).
言語・教育コース講義 Language and Education Lecture
言語・教育コースゼミナール Language and Education Seminar (Undergraduate Level)
英米語学演習(大学院)Seminar on English (Graduate Level)
英語ラボ English Core 1 (Learning Management・Self-Directed Learning)
I believe it is important to foster learner agency and help students to take control of their own learning, so I often negotiate with students on the kinds of tasks that we will cover in the course.
To give an example, in my graduate course, Seminar on English 「英米語学演習(大学院)」 students are required to write two reports. This part has been decided by me. However, we always discuss various options for the content of the reports. Last year, we decided that in one they would summarise and critically analyse research articles in their area of interest, and in the second one they would report on video recordings of academic conference presentations. Students also chose articles and did presentations on subjects related to the course that they wanted to learn more about, and I offered guidance to help them determine the reliability of the sources they chose.
My seminar course Language and Education 「言語・教育コースゼミナール」 explores key topics in second language acquisition and teaching, drawing on a coursebook, supplementary materials, and teacher lectures. Students actively engage with key course content through class discussions, small research projects, and presentations.
Within all my classes, including lecture courses, students have the opportunity to check their understanding and discuss key content in groups. Students regularly collaborate in class and out of class, both face-to-face and through written files (Google Docs, Moodle, etc.) and videos (Flip). English is the primary language in my classes, but relevant Japanese resources, introduced by the teacher or students and Japanese are welcome, and you can use Japanese to seek help whenever needed.
My Language Background: In addition to English, I speak Japanese, Italian and French (none of them perfectly!) and I’m making progress with my newest challenges, Spanish and German. I’ve read a beginners’ guide to Latin too because it is the root of so many languages. I am fascinated by words and feel like there is always more to discover about our own first language and the ones we are learning. When you hear me speak in Japanese at some point, you’ll notice my mistakes. And I’ll notice yours when you use English. Don’t worry! We will improve and we will learn many other things along the way. Language is a tool we use for real life, not (just) a school subject. This year (like every other) you have a wonderful opportunity to learn more and have enriching experiences while using English (and other languages you learn). Come to my courses with an open mind and a willingness to learn. We’ll go on great journeys together – you’ll see!